Kieruj, Natalia

Question format and response style behaviour in attitude research

Natalia Kieruj

MTO, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Tilburg University

Project: NWO project at Tilburg University

Project running from: 1 September 2007 – 1 May 2011

– Prof. dr J.K. Vermunt (Tilburg University)
– Dr G.B.D. Moors (Tilburg University)

Attitude questions differ in format, e.g. differences in numbering and labelling of response categories. It has been argued that the validity and reliability of attitudes is affected by the choice of question format. At the same time, it is acknowledged that response style behaviour can bias the measurement of attitudes as well as bias the estimates of the effect of covariates. This research project links these two issues by focusing on the impact of question format on the likelihood of response bias, i.e. acquiescence and extreme response style, in attitude research.

Date of defence:  2 March 2012

Title of thesis:  Question format and response style behavior in attitude research

Promotores:  Prof. dr. J. Vermunt, Dr. G. Moors