
IOPS Curriculum and conferences
Below you can find a general overview of our courses, including a general description. Please note that some courses are given biennially and that the months stated are indicative only (due to circumstances, a course may be organized in another month)

In our Course Agenda you will find the current scheduled courses and, when available, specific information on dates and programs.

Educational plan
This overview can assist prospective IOPS students to draw up their education plan. The requirements for the IOPS certificate can be found here.

The curriculum part of the requirements consists of both 5 EC mandatory and 5 EC elective courses. For the elective courses, it is allowed to follow relevant courses outside IOPS. 

You can register for all courses with the IOPS secretariat at

Courses are free of charge for IOPS members. Affiliated members or other externals might have to pay a fee. The fee can differ for each course and can be requested with the IOPS coordinator. Regular IOPS members have priority when courses are full.

SMIP courses
We have a standing collaboration with our German partner SMiP. This collaboration includes mutually opening courses. SMiP courses can be counted towards the full 5 EC elective courses. More information can be found here.

Utrecht Summer School Courses 
The Utrecht Summer School offers a variety of courses, including two that are particularly relevant to IOPS students and part of the IOPS curriculum: A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Estimation and Survey Design. In addition to these, other courses relevant to psychometrics and sociometrics are also available to IOPS students at no cost. Please Note, you can only take one course for free per year. If you are interested in a specific course, we recommend reaching out to the course coordinator to confirm its relevance to your studies. To find and register for a course, please go to the Utrecht Summer School website.

Other courses suitable for master level students
If you have an interest in courses related to Psychometrics and Statistics and are not currently a member of IOPS, please find this list of courses offered by other universities that you may find interesting and may be eligible to attend.

 Overview IOPS courses

  #ECEven yearsOdd years
JanuaryGeneralized latent variable modeling (TiU)1 2023,
FebruaryStatistical Learning (LU)22022, 2024… 
FebruaryStatistical Consulting to Behavioral Scientists  (LU) 3 2023, 2025…
JuneIOPS Summer Conference 2022, 2024…2023, 2025…
AugustA Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Estimation (UU)2 2022, 2024…2023, 2025…
SeptemberAdvanced Survey Design (UU)2 2023, 2025…
SeptemberWhat is Psychometrics? (UvA)22022, 2024…2023, 2025…
OctoberBayesian Item Response Modeling  (UT)22022, 2024… 
OctoberMathematical Statistics (RUG)12023, 2025…
Optimization & Numerical Methods (KU Leuven)22022, 2024…2023, 2025…
DecemberIOPS Winter Conference 2022, 2024…2023, 2025…