Renske Kuijpers


MTO, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Tilburg University

Phone: +31 (0)13 466 4030 / 2544 (secretary)
E-mail: Renske Kuijpers


Test construction using marginal models
Mokken scale analysis is an important statistical tool for the construction of psychological tests. For parts of the tool no statistical significance tests were available until recently, but Van der Ark, Croon, and Sijtsma (2007) showed that marginal models provided these tests. Marginal models substantially increase the possibilities of Mokken scale analysis but are available only for short tests consisting of dichotomous items. The proposal aims at extending the approach to longer tests and polytomous items, and developing it into user-friendly software tool for test construction.

Financed by
NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)

Prof. dr K. Sijtsma (Tilburg University)
Dr. M.A. Croon (Tilburg University)
Dr. L.A. Van der Ark  (Tilburg University)

1 September 2010 – 1 September 2014