Methodology and Statistics Unit
Institute of Psychology
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Leiden University
E-mail: Hailemichael Worku
Personal academic webpage
On December 20, 2018, Hailemichael Worku defended his thesis, titled:
Distance Models for the Analysis of Multivariate Binary Data
Multivariate categorical data, with multiple dependent variables and one or more independent variables, are often collected in the social sciences. However, only limited tools are available for the analysis of such data. The methodology that is available makes unverifiable assumptions or requires the independent variables to be categorized, with all negative consequences. In this project new methodology is proposed, based on the ideal point classification model, which requires a minimal set of assumptions and takes the data as it is. Essential tools for the evaluation of effects and for the design of empirical studies will also be proposed.
Prof. dr. M. De Rooij (Leiden University)
Prof. dr. W.J. Heiser (Leiden University)
Prof. dr. P. Spinhoven (Leiden University)
Financed by
Leiden University