Center for Contextual Psychiatry
Department of Neuroscience
Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven
Phone: +32 16 32 76 98
Personal webpage Wai Wong
Statistical challenges in Experience Sampling Research
Ambulatory assessment techniques such as the Experience Sampling Methodology or Ecological Momentary Assessment are increasingly being used in mental health research and in clinical practice. However, ESM yields a large number of repeated measurements of multiple variables for either single individuals or entire groups. The analysis of such data therefore poses particular challenges and many statistical issues remain to be investigated. The Center for Contextual Psychiatry – together with the research group of Quantitative Psychology and Individual Differences (Faculty of Psychology) – is setting up a series of statistical studies specifically disentangling these issues. We aim to (1) develop methods for the analysis of data arising in the context of ESM studies, (2) provide statistical guidelines for researchers conducting ESM studies, and (3) provide solutions to the common experience sampling methodological issues with thorough statistical analysis. The PhD student will take a leading role in these studies.
Prof. dr. I.Y.R. Mying-Germeys, Prof. dr. G. Verbeke, Dr. W. Viechtbauer
Financed by
Center for Contextual Psychiatry
1 September 2017 – 31 August 2021